Laboratory Testing

Learning more about your health

Appointments can be booked to order labs without the full initial intake and past medical history. This would be for someone that knows what type of test they would like to have done and does not want to pursue treatment. A 15-minute appointment will provide time for questions and clarification regarding the appropriate tests to order. When results are available, another 15-minute appointment is scheduled for a full naturopathic analysis of the results and to answer questions. No treatment is offered during these visits, however at any time a first visit can be scheduled and treatment started. The full schedule of tests is available for lab only bookings.

Laboratory Testing

Learning more about your health

Appointments can be booked to order labs without the full initial intake and past medical history. This would be for someone that knows what type of test they would like to have done and does not want to pursue treatment. A 15-minute appointment will provide time for questions and clarification regarding the appropriate tests to order. When results are available, another 15-minute appointment is scheduled for a full naturopathic analysis of the results and to answer questions. No treatment is offered during these visits, however at any time a first visit can be scheduled and treatment started. The full schedule of tests is available for lab only bookings.

Thyroid Testing

Enhanced Thyroid Assessment

Testing 4 thyroid hormones and 2 auto-immune thyroid antibodies gives a more complete thyroid analysis than standard testing. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is conventionally used as a thyroid screening to indicate hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. However, subclinical hypothyroidism, cellular hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis require more in-depth testing to diagnose. Measuring levels of TSH, Free T4, Free T3, Reverse T3, anti-thyroglobulin antibodies and anti-thyroperoxidase antibodies will allow for a deeper analysis and lead to targeted treatment. These tests are all performed at a local laboratory in a single blood draw. Testing should be performed fasting, in the morning and no thyroid medication consumed before the test. 

Advanced Thyroid Panel

A simple blood test that measures 6 markers of thyroid health. 4 hormones – TSH, T3, T4, Reverse T3 and 2 antibodies – anti-thyroperoxidase and anti-thyroglobulin will diagnose Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, cellular hypothyroidism, thyroid resistance and subclinical hypothyroidism. This can be performed at any Lifelabs location.

Sample Thyroid Report

Hormone Testing

Sex Hormone Testing

The dried urine analysis hormone test has become the most detailed hormone test available. The 3 types of estrogen and their breakdown products are of particular interest and can be used to assess a woman’s risk to conditions associated with estrogen. Progesterone, DHEA, testosterone, melatonin and a full look at adrenal and cortisol function are included in this 30-hormone window of the endocrine system. Once bio-identical hormone replacement has started, testing is switched over to a saliva panel of the main hormones in order to evaluate prescription doses.

Sample Hormone Reports

Hormone collection instructions

Sample Hormone Reports

Hormone collection instructions

Heavy Metal Toxicity

Heavy metals such as aluminum, lead and mercury can build up in tissues from exposures or poor detoxification. Headaches, fatigue, neurological disorders and brain health decline can be related to metal overload. The term chelation refers to removing these metals either by oral or IV pharmaceuticals. Testing is performed by urine analysis once a chelating agent such as DMSA has been administered. 

Sample Toxicity Report

Digestive Tract

Stool Microbiology

A comprehensive analysis of the bacteria, parasites and yeast strains found in the digestive tract is reported in this simple stool test. A look at the relative amounts of the beneficial and dysbiotic (“bad” bacteria) bacteria and yeast is determined followed by a list of herbs and medications which will get rid of those unwanted microbes. This test is usually ordered when digestive disturbances such as gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea are present or other symptoms like rashes, sugar cravings, inability to loose weight, fatigue and headaches. Different variations of this test can include DNA analysis by PCR of the organisms to give a more detailed report.

Sample Stool Test Reports

Stool collection instructions

SIBO Breath Test

A relatively newly identified disorder, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is being diagnosed at an increasing rate. Infections present in the digestive tract can cause a variety of symptoms including bloating after eating most meals, heartburn, abdominal pain and irregular bowel movements. This test is performed after consumption of a sugary drink which acts as a food source to the unwanted bacteria. Different gases are released by the bacteria and can be analyzed by performing a breath test at regular intervals

Sample SIBO Report

SIBO Test Instructions

Sample SIBO Report

SIBO Test Instructions

Food Sensitivity and Candida Antibody Tests

A blood test that looks at the IgG reaction to either 96 or 184 foods. If a healthy gut flora is established, this test may be useful to identify foods that contribute to inflammation. Reactivity to yeast overgrowth is reported in the Candida antibodies test. IgG, IgA, IgM levels can indicate if current and/or chronic candida is present.

Sample Food & Candida Test Reports

Finger Poke Testing Instructions

Sample Food & Candida Test Reports

Finger Poke Testing Instructions

Healthy Living Assessments

Lifelabs has put together a 35 + blood test panel which gives an excellent overview of where your health stands. The aptly named “Healthy Living Assessment” is a quick and easy way to evaluate, nutrients, electrolytes, liver, kidney and gall bladder function as well as blood sugar and cholesterol markers. When a Naturopathic Physician evaluates laboratory findings, we look for optimal ranges as opposed to just the reference ranges. Reference ranges look at a wide scope to rule-out disease. But what about where the best place to be in the range is? This is optimal.

Let’s look at iron levels for example. The best representation of iron storage is measured by ferritin. The reference range for an adult female is 15 – 225 ug/L, over 200 points! If ferritin is below 15, it is considered too low and labelled as low iron or iron deficiency. What if the level is 25? The optimal ferritin level for women is around 100 ug/L, so it becomes obvious that looking only at the reference range could lead to undiagnosed low iron.

Naturopathic Physicians also look outside of the box at labs and symptoms. The enzyme alkaline phosphatase is commonly tested to assess liver function and bone metabolism. The traditional concern is when this enzyme is elevated above the reference range. But what if it is below the range? Often this is ignored and classified as insignificant. If you look at the biochemistry of how alkaline phosphatase is made, zinc is found to be a significant cofactor – in fact it cannot be made efficiently without it. Thus low levels indicate a zinc deficiency. Clinical signs of zinc deficiency are white spots on nails, reduced senses of taste and smell, acne and frequent colds and flus. Correlating symptoms and laboratory findings together helps to determine which dietary changes and supplements should be included or excluded. If warranted, zinc can be an add on test to the healthy living profile. 

Sample Healthy Living Assesments


Genetic Testing

Since the human genome project was completed in 2001, advances in learning the roles of genes in our DNA has helped to individualize health.  Of particular interest, variations or SNPS in the genes of detoxification pathways lead to deficiencies in much needed vitamins and anti-oxidants.  Testing is done by a saliva sample from which genetic information is extrapolated and interpreted using a medical genetic program.

Organic Acid Test

Organic Acid Test (OAT) – 75 different markers of health are reported which range from how efficient energy production is at the cellular level to yeast and bacteria imbalances to nutrient levels such as vitamins, anti-oxidants and neurotransmitters. Custom supplement formulations can be developed based on results. This test is a single urine test collected at home and sent off to the laboratory.

Sample Genetics Reports


Cortisol Testing

Using either saliva or urine, pooled values of cortisol can be tested throughout an average day. This typically results in a cortisol curve analysis which can define adrenal dysfunction. Cortisol should be high in the morning and low in the evening with a gradual drop throughout the day. Once an individual’s cortisol curve is tested, appropriate herbs, vitamins, diet and lifestyle can be prescribed to establish healthier cortisol levels and promote optimal wellness. If testing along with sex hormones for the most complete picture, urine samples are typically used. For an in-depth look at adrenal function without sex hormones, saliva samples are tested.

Sample Cortisol Report

Adrenal Stress (Cortisol) index testing instructions

Sample Cortisol Report

Adrenal Stress (Cortisol) index testing instructions

Mold Testing

Mycotoxin Testing

Mold illness is more common in BC than is widely known. It is estimated that 25% of all basements have mold overgrowth. Mold affects new builds, old homes and workplaces by means of leaks, water damage or poorly circulated spaces. Living in a home with water damage can cause susceptible individuals to develop many different symptoms ranging from insomnia, water retention, recurrent infections, rashes, headaches, digestive disturbances, hormone imbalances, infertility and cancer. These exposures can be at any point in life, even from as early as the uterus. Kidney excretion of tiny by-products released from mold called mycotoxins allows for a urine analysis of common mycotoxins. Mold can be treated!

Sample Mycotoxin Report

Mycotoxin Urine Test Instructions

Sample Mycotoxin Report

Mycotoxin Urine Test Instructions

Have a question you want answered?

Laboratory Testing



Advanced Thyroid Panel – A simple blood test that measures 6 markers of thyroid health. 4 hormones – TSH, T3, T4, Reverse T3 and 2 antibodies – anti-thyroperoxidase and anti-thyroglobulin will diagnose Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, cellular hypothyroidism, thyroid resistance and subclinical hypothyroidism. This can be performed at any Lifelabs location. Sample report.


Sex Hormone Testing – The dried urine analysis hormone test has become the most detailed hormone test available. The 3 types of estrogen and their breakdown products are of particular interest and can be used to assess a woman’s risk to conditions associated with estrogen. Progesterone, DHEA, testosterone, melatonin and a full look at adrenal and cortisol function are included in this 30-hormone window of the endocrine system. Once bio-identical hormone replacement has started, testing is switched over to a saliva panel of the main hormones in order to evaluate prescription doses.

Sample Hormone reports

Hormone collection instructions

  • DUTCH (Dried Urine) Complete and DUTCH Sex Hormones video
  • Saliva Sex Hormones video


Cortisol Testing – Using either saliva or urine, pooled values of cortisol can be tested throughout an average day. This typically results in a cortisol curve analysis which can define adrenal dysfunction. Cortisol should be high in the morning and low in the evening with a gradual drop throughout the day. Once an individual’s cortisol curve is tested, appropriate herbs, vitamins, diet and lifestyle can be prescribed to establish healthier cortisol levels and promote optimal wellness. If testing along with sex hormones for the most complete picture, urine samples are typically used. For an in-depth look at adrenal function without sex hormones, saliva samples are tested, see sample report.

Adrenal Stress Index instructional video


Stool Microbiology – A comprehensive analysis of the bacteria, parasites and yeast strains found in the digestive tract is reported in this simple stool test.  A look at the relative amounts of the beneficial and dysbiotic (“bad” bacteria) bacteria and yeast is determined followed by a list of herbs and medications which will get rid of those unwanted microbes.  This test is usually ordered when digestive disturbances such as gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea are present or other symptoms like rashes, sugar cravings, inability to loose weight, fatigue and headaches. Different variations of this test can include DNA analysis by PCR of the organisms to give a more detailed report.

Sample Stool test reports

Stool collection instructions

  • Microbiology Stool Analysis video
  • GI 360 Essentials video
  • GI 360 Stool video

SIBO breath test – A relatively newly identified disorder, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is being diagnosed at an increasing rate.  Infections present in the digestive tract can cause a variety of symptoms including bloating after eating most meals, heartburn, abdominal pain and irregular bowel movements.  This test is performed after consumption of a sugary drink which acts as a food source to the unwanted bacteria.  Different gases are released by the bacteria and can be analyzed by performing a breath test at regular intervals. See sample report.

H. pylori stool antigen test – H. pylori is a microorganism that causes inflammation and ulcers in the stomach. Common symptoms are pain, burning, heartburn and nausea. Traditional testing can be by breath or stool which leads to anti-microbial treatment and repair of tissue. Sample report.

SIBO breath test video

Antibody blood tests

Food sensitivity and Candida Antibody testing – A blood test that looks at the IgG reaction to either 96 or 184 foods. If a healthy gut flora is established, this test may be useful to identify foods that contribute to inflammation. Reactivity to yeast overgrowth is reported in the Candida antibodies test. IgG, IgA, IgM levels can indicate if current and/or chronic candida is present.

Sample food and candida testing reports

Finger poke testing instructional video


Mycotoxin Testing – Mold illness is more common in BC than is widely known. It is estimated that 25% of all basements have mold overgrowth. Mold affects new builds, old homes and workplaces by means of leaks, water damage or poorly circulated spaces. Living in a home with water damage can cause susceptible individuals to develop many different symptoms ranging from insomnia, water retention, recurrent infections, rashes, headaches, digestive disturbances, hormone imbalances, infertility and cancer. These exposures can be at any point in life, even from as early as the uterus. Kidney excretion of tiny by-products released from mold called mycotoxins allows for a urine analysis of common mycotoxins. Mold can be treated! Sample report

Mycotoxin urine test instructional video

Healthy Living Assessments

Using Lifelabs, a detailed analysis of body functions can be evaluated in one comprehensive test. The healthy living assessment (sample report) and enhanced healthy living assessment (sample report) are consist of over 30 markers of health. For more information, please read HERE.


Genetic Testing – Since the human genome project was completed in 2001, advances in learning the roles of genes in our DNA has helped to individualize health.  Of particular interest, variations or SNPS in the genes of detoxification pathways lead to deficiencies in much needed vitamins and anti-oxidants.  Testing is done by a saliva sample from which genetic information is extrapolated and interpreted using a medical genetic program. Sample genetic report

OAT – Organic Acid Test.   75 different markers of health are reported which range from how efficient energy production is at the cellular level to yeast and bacteria imbalances to nutrient levels such as vitamins, anti-oxidants and neurotransmitters. Custom supplement formulations can be developed based on results.  This test is a single urine test collected at home and sent off to the laboratory. Sample report

Heavy Metal Toxicity

Heavy metals such as aluminum, lead and mercury can build up in tissues from exposures or poor detoxification. Headaches, fatigue, neurological disorders and brain health decline can be related to metal overload. The term chelation refers to removing these metals either by oral or IV pharmaceuticals. Testing is performed by urine analysis once a chelating agent such as DMSA has been administered. Sample report