Dr Jennifer Luis ND - Natural Medicine

Naturopath Vancouver

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Dr. Luis uses a variety of methods to improve health, including hormone prescriptions, herbs, nutrient supplementation, dietary modifications and lifestyle coaching. A strong emphasis on the use of laboratory testing helps her focus treatment specific to the individual health needs of her patients. 
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Dr Jennifer Luis ND - Natural Medicine

Naturopath Vancouver

Dr. Luis uses a variety of methods to improve health, including hormone prescriptions, herbs, nutrient supplementation, dietary modifications and lifestyle coaching. A strong emphasis on the use of laboratory testing helps her focus treatment specific to the individual health needs of her patients. 

What is the key to a long and healthy life?

Internal and external beauty? Balanced hormones and healthy digestion.

It is not normal (or healthy) to go through life feeling tired, bloated, unhappy and holding on to excess weight. Dr. Jennifer Luis ND develops individualized treatment plans using extensive testing along with a thorough medical history and physical exam. When it comes to digestion and diet, the goal is always to maintain well-balanced food options and remove restrictions.

About Dr. Jennifer Luis

In 2011, Dr. Luis graduated from Naturopathic medical school and began her new career. Rooted in education as a high school teacher in an alternative program for 10 years previously, it was a natural shift to become an alternative medical practitioner and teach patients how to live healthier lives. It was as a student that Dr. Luis was told she has Hashimoto’s thyroiditis by another student ND. Suddenly everything made sense and by retracing life events and illnesses, it is probable that she had this disease since the time of her first thyroid ultrasound at age 17 or the time her cholesterol levels were strangely elevated at age 18.

Navigating the world of auto-immune disease, hormone imbalance, digestive disturbances and mold illness has helped Dr. Luis to have first-hand knowledge in her areas of expertise. With the use of both naturopathic and conventional medicine, Dr. Luis has found balance and works hard to guide her patients towards their optimal wellness and balance. Herbs, vitamins, dietary guidelines, prescription drugs and lifestyle all play important parts.

Laboratory Testing

Identifying the cause of symptoms and diseases with extensive tests not available through traditional laboratories. Advanced laboratory testing is available for a variety of health conditions, including thyroid function, digestion, hormones, mold exposure, and genetics. Some of the specific tests that are available include thyroid testing, SIBO testing, hormone testing, the DUTCH test, and Candida testing.

Dr. Jennifer Luis’s Approach to Health

Dr. Luis uses laboratory testing to conclusively correlate symptoms and lab results. Rather than take the “try this and see how you feel” approach, labs are ordered that look into root causes of disease.

A physical exam during in-person visits is performed to give more information, virtual patients are often asked to take their own blood pressure and other health measures at home. A detailed history-taking during the first visit results in suggestions for lab testing and specific areas to focus on.

Comprehensive consultations to review lab findings and detailed individualized treatment protocols are always an important part of visits.

Clear step-by-step instructions are provided through a secure health portal after each consultation and patients have an opportunity to get clarification or have questions answered between visits to ensure protocols are as successful as possible.

Services offered by Dr. Jennifer Luis

Dr. Luis’s favorite saying is “If you have been hit by a bus, go see your medical doctor. If you feel like you’ve been hit by a bus, consult your Naturopathic doctor”.

Holistic Naturopathic Treatments in Vancouver

Naturopathic doctors are primary health care physicians. Ordering labs, writing prescription drugs, performing physical exams and diagnosing medical conditions are all within an ND’s scope of practice. Treatment options and laboratory testing will differ in some respects from mainstream medicine along with visit times. Naturopathic doctors can spend up to an hour with a single patient. Dr. Luis takes a holistic approach, not only treating the most obvious symptoms, but determining the underlying cause of it too. Medications, supplements, dietary changes and lifestyle changes together provide an all-encompassing approach to health care.


Dr. Luis has over 10 years of clinical experience extensive in thyroid health, living with Hashimoto’s for many years herself. Her comprehensive approach, including alternative medication options, has helped thousands regain optimal health. Discover what to expect in your initial consultation with her.


Dr. Luis has over 15 years of clinical experience extensive in thyroid health, living with Hashimoto’s for many years herself. Her comprehensive approach, including alternative medication options, has helped thousands regain optimal health. Discover what to expect in your initial consultation with her.

Hormone Health

Dr. Luis focuses on the balance of hormones in the endocrine system, including estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, thyroid, DHEA, and testosterone. She understands that these hormones impact emotional wellness, energy, libido, sleep, concentration, and physical aspects like hair, skin, weight, and muscle strength. By testing cortisol and sex hormone levels in urine and saliva, Dr. Luis identifies imbalances and guides patients toward optimal well-being for healthy aging and longevity.

Hormone Health

Dr. Luis focuses on the balance of hormones in the endocrine system, including estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, thyroid, DHEA, and testosterone. She understands that these hormones impact emotional wellness, energy, libido, sleep, concentration, and physical aspects like hair, skin, weight, and muscle strength. By testing cortisol and sex hormone levels in urine and saliva, Dr. Luis identifies imbalances and guides patients toward optimal well-being for healthy aging and longevity.

Digestive System

Dr. Luis focuses on addressing inflammation and imbalances in the digestive system. Overgrowths of organisms like yeast and bacteria contribute to symptoms such as gas, bloating, and constipation. Low stomach acid levels can lead to acid reflux. Testing for SIBO involves breath and stool tests to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Digestive System

Dr. Luis focuses on addressing inflammation and imbalances in the digestive system. Overgrowths of organisms like yeast and bacteria contribute to symptoms such as gas, bloating, and constipation. Low stomach acid levels can lead to acid reflux. Testing for SIBO involves breath and stool tests to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Skin Conditions

Dr. Jen’s naturopathic approach to Eczema treatment centers on the gut. After failed attempts with topical prescriptions, Dr. Jen examines the patient’s health history, focusing on digestive symptoms, antibiotics, and food reactions. Specialized tests, like SIBO breath and stool tests, pinpoint the root cause, such as flora imbalance, low stomach acid, H. pylori infection, or food intolerance. Treatment involves rebalancing flora, healing inflammation, and dietary changes. Stress reduction aids healing and prevents flare-ups.

Skin Conditions

Dr. Luis’ naturopathic approach to Eczema treatment centers on the gut. After failed attempts with topical prescriptions, Dr. Luis examines the patient’s health history, focusing on digestive symptoms, antibiotics, and food reactions. Specialized tests, like SIBO breath and stool tests, pinpoint the root cause, such as flora imbalance, low stomach acid, H. pylori infection, or food intolerance. Treatment involves rebalancing flora, healing inflammation, and dietary changes. Stress reduction aids healing and prevents flare-ups.

Vaginal Health

Dr. Luis prioritizes comprehensive vaginal health, addressing concerns such as vaginal atrophy, incontinence, and sexual dysfunction through a holistic approach. By utilizing advanced therapies like vaginal laser treatment and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), she aims to restore comfort, confidence, and sexual satisfaction for her patients, ultimately improving their overall quality of life.

Vaginal Health

Dr. Luis prioritizes comprehensive vaginal health, addressing concerns such as vaginal atrophy, incontinence, and sexual dysfunction through a holistic approach. By utilizing advanced therapies like vaginal laser treatment and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), she aims to restore comfort, confidence, and sexual satisfaction for her patients, ultimately improving their overall quality of life.

Accreditations & Certifications

Dr. Luis’ accreditations and training demonstrate her commitment to providing high-quality naturopathic care. She is a compassionate and knowledgeable practitioner, and is dedicated to helping her patients achieve optimal health.

Accreditations & Certifications

Dr. Luis’ accreditations and training demonstrate her commitment to providing high-quality naturopathic care. She is a compassionate and knowledgeable practitioner, and is dedicated to helping her patients achieve optimal health.

Naturopathic Treatments for Women’s Health​

The hormone system in women changes drastically throughout life. The various stages of puberty, pregnancy, post-partum, peri-menopause and menopause can have very different hormone profiles and affects on the body and the mind. It is never “normal” to have painful periods and strong mood swings but yet every day women accept this to be normal. Hormones can be re-balanced and symptoms reduced or alleviated completely at all stages of life. Bio-identical hormone therapy, herbs, nutrients, anti-oxidants, dietary adjustments and lifestyle guidelines are used with great success once symptoms have been explored and correlated to laboratory results.

Breast health, related greatly to hormone health, can often be treated with naturopathic options. For example, fibrocystic breast tissue is controlled by the amount of circulating estrogen. If a woman’s body has higher amounts of estrogen relative to progesterone, this is termed estrogen dominance. Classic symptoms of estrogen dominance are fibrous breast tissue, fibroids, heavy periods and sometimes migraines. This condition can be treated with progesterone-supportive herbs and/or bioidentical progesterone, diet and liver-supportive herbs.

Estrogen dominance, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), obesity, hair loss, acne, and severe PMS are some of the most common conditions that Naturopathic doctors treat. Instead of being put on birth control to manage symptoms, laboratory testing with urine or saliva samples can give detailed information of hormone levels and ratios at any stage of life. Using these tests and a complete symptom picture, hormones can be re-balanced naturally. Herbs, plant-based supplements and lifestyle are some of the most successful ways to ensure optimal levels and therefore optimal health.

Once a woman has no longer had a period for 1 year, she is now in menopause. During this time, typical symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia can last for a few months or a few years. Sometimes women will develop symptoms prior to their last period, while in peri-menopause. On average, women enter menopause at age 52 however the range is from 45 – 55 years old. With the safe use of bioidentical hormone therapy and regular testing, the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause can be softened or alleviated completely. Non-hormone based treatments are also used and include herbal medicine, diet, insulin control and supplements. Urine and saliva hormone testing can help determine the safest and most effective treatment options. It is not acceptable to believe that women have to suffer through this stage of life!

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a spectrum of a disorder. It can present in a woman as irregular and painful periods, weight gain, acne, hair loss, and male-pattern hair growth. PCOS has traditionally been linked to over production of testosterone and/or DHEA, (androgens) aka male hormones. If blood levels of androgens are elevated and an ultrasound report finds ovarian cysts, a clear PCOS diagnosis is given. However, many women have only one or two of the common symptoms, normal testosterone levels and no cysts on their ovaries. This is because of the spectrum-nature of the condition and the two origins of hormone imbalances.

The highest proportion of women with PCOS have ovarian cysts. The other version is derived from the adrenal glands and over production of cortisol and DHEA. It is important to determine the origin of PCOS by hormone testing so that the best treatment can be prescribed. Many women have insulin resistance and PCOS as a result which makes insulin the best hormone to treat. Traditional treatments include oral birth control,  and other prescription drugs. Naturopathic treatments consider diet, intermittent fasting and supplements.

Pre-menopausal symptoms should not be considered normal and something that women “just have to deal with”. A healthy menstrual cycle includes a moderate level of menstruations for 4-5 days with cycles being 28 days in length and minimal to no mood changes and pain. However, some women have such strong mood changes prior to their periods that they can feel very angry and irritable or depressed and even suicidal. This is a subset of PMS called PMDD or premenstrual dysphoric disorder and while it is less common, unfortunately it is also less talked about. Almost all hormone imbalances, including PMS and PMDD can be treated with Naturopathic medicine. 

Dr. Luis provides Females Exams to her patients and also non-patients in need of an exam. She is listed on the Cervical Screening program of BC’s website as an approved provider.

The Papanicolaou smear, or PAP test has been around for almost 100 years. Cervical cancer is a slow-growing but deadly form of cancer that used to be one of the most fatal cancers prior to the development of the PAP test. Now-a-days, cervical cancer is preventable with regular screening. During the PAP procedure, a small sample of the cervical tissue is sent off to be examined by pathologists. Cervical cells can display several different forms outside of normal and treatment can vary from monitoring more regularly to removal of the abnormal cells. The PAP exam takes less than 5 minutes in-office with a typical turn-around of 6 weeks for results.

Depending on which hormones are to be tested, blood, saliva or urine can provide accurate levels of sex hormones, cortisol, thyroid and insulin. Urine testing gives details about the amounts of hormones but also how the body breaks down various hormones. For example, there are 3 types of estrogen – estrone, estradiol and estriol. Each one has different jobs and the amounts and ratios of estrogens excreted explain risk factors associated with estrogen-related disorders. Knowing how the body makes and processes estrogen can help to provide treatment which lowers risk factors and improves symptoms.

Saliva testing is used to look at hormone levels in the body overall. This is the preferred way to see the effects of bioidentical hormone therapy and to adjust or monitor dosing. Cortisol levels are also accurate when evaluated through saliva and thought to be the best way to see the cortisol curve throughout the day.

Blood testing is the best way to evaluate thyroid hormone levels. Getting accurate results can be supported by fasting and not exercising prior to having a blood draw. Testosterone and DHEA are also accurate with blood testing, but these can be tested by blood or saliva too.

Female Exams for Health

Women and anyone with a cervix between the ages of 25 and 69 are recommended to have a full pelvic exam every 3 years for screening purposes. This includes a PAP test, visualization of the vagina and cervix and palpation of the uterus and ovaries. Most commonly a breast exam is performed during the Women’s health visit. Naturopathic doctors can provide these exams and send reports and samples to the BC Cancer Screening program.